Novel Foods Statement
A Novel Food (NF) is any food that was not used for human consumption to a significant degree within the European Union before 15 May 1997. CBD falls under the following category:
- Food consisting of, isolated from or produced from plants or their parts, except when the food has a history of safe food use within the European Union and is consisting of, isolated from or produced from a plant or a variety of the same species obtained by:
- traditional propagating practices which have been used for food production within the European Union before 15 May 1997; or
- non-traditional propagating practices which have not been used for food production within the European Union before 15 May 1997, where those practices do not give rise to significant changes in the composition or structure of the food affecting its nutritional value, metabolism or level of undesirable substances;
therefore, CBD is subject to an evaluation in accordance with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) guidelines for approval and market authorization.
We are members of the EIHA (European Industrial Hemp Association) and that allows us to actively contribute to the professional development of all initiatives for new cannabis applications, especially when it comes to creating health solutions.
Currently, KD Phyto® is awaiting the validation of our Novel Foods application to move forward with supplying premium cannabinoid ingredients into the Food, Beverage and Nutraceutical markets.
KD Phyto® aims to support the Nutraceutical Industry in Europe once regulations and authorizations come into place by EFSA and the Novel Food Commission.